BSME Editors’ Editor 2023 vote
The nominations for this year’s esteemed BSME Editors’ Editor of the year award are in. Voting for this category is by current BSME members, BSME ambassadors, committee members and BSME Awards 2023 entrants only.
You cannot vote for yourself or a colleague from your own brand/title.
The vote will close on Friday 27 October at 6pm. Any votes made after this deadline will not be included.
You must be a current BSME member, committee member, ambassador or 2023 award entrant to vote.
There is no fee to vote.
Our nominees are:
Charlie Baker, The Fence
Joanna Cummings, The Grub Street Journal
Nicola Jeal, The Times Magazine
Deborah Joseph, Glamour UK
Kate Oppenheim, Bll News
Gideon Spanier, Campaign, PodPod
John L. Walters, Eye, Pulp
Read the nominees’ statements to learn more about them.